Monday, February 23, 2015

16-23: Thunderbolt and Lightning! Very, Very Frightening!

...but that lightning storm can't be a good sight.  How do you see weather functioning in these chapters?


  1. This event was a very dark symbol that occurred right after Mr.Rochester proposed to Jane. We all know that a tree splitting in half right after these two people have sat and conversed there is not really a good thing. The reader can see the weather start to change right after Mr.Rochester proposes, this brings not only a big indicator for foreshadow but it also brings a symbol. The symbol represents Mr.Rochester alone but with Jane also. The reader can interpret this symbol in two ways which is Mr.Rochester not able to coincide with Jane Eyre or that Mr.Rochester will be broken (face consequences) in the future chapters because of the proposal that has occurred.

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  3. The weather takes a strange turn when Rochester asks Jane to marry him. During much of the Jane`s time at Thronfield the weather had been very pleasant with an occasional storm that would erupt. In the novel the weather corresponds with Jane`s internal emotions impact what is happening in the novel. This relationship often foreshadows the nature of the event that are about to come and is placed at the beginning of the chapter or scene change within the chapter. Jane`s mood is often reflective of the weather which means that the thunderstorm that erupts means that Jane is very excited and happy and bursting with joy or that she is very fearful and negatively shocked at the situation. I feel as if it is a little of both and that she is in a state of confusion that Jane cannot sort out her emotions. This may foreshadow a very uncertain future for Jane and her relationship with Rochester. This uncertainty is further created when the lightning splits the tree in half. This is the first time in the novel that the weather had actually caused physical damage which draws even more attention to the situation.

  4. I take the weather as the future. The weather is always constantly changing, unknown, and mysterious to us, as we can never predict it perfectly. Just like how we can't predict what is going to come in the future. The weather at first was fine, but it suddenly turns into a dark and gloomy storm, which foreshadows a dark and gloomy future later on. Also the lightning from the storm split the tree that Rochester and Jane were sitting under in half, after Rochester proposed to Jane, from this we can guess that, later on in the novel something is going to happen that splits the couple apart.

  5. The weather occurred at such a distinct moment. It was really dark and ominous and was used to show dark events to come as well as the way it split the tree foreshadowed how the turn of events will effect Jane and Rochesters relationship. The weather in these chapters served a purpose as to set mood and to foreshadow. It really draws in the reader as the mood affects them and makes them really think to themselves all the different possibilities this could be referencing towards.


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