Saturday, March 7, 2015

Final Discussion: Directions

BEFORE you get to class on Monday, you should post on TWO threads.  There are 13 to choose from, so there should be plenty to discuss!

Notice that your friend isn't posting -- give them a heads up!

Final Discussion: Grass is Always Greener

Is this new life with the Rivers an upgrade or a downgrade?  Discuss the pros and cons.

Final Discussion: Only in my Dreams

Discuss the various dreams that have appeared in these chapters, as well as elsewhere within the text.  What do you make of them?

Final Discussion: A Match Made in … Heaven?

What do you think of St. John?  How would he fair as a companion for Jane?

Final Discussion: More Money…More Problems

So apparently Jane is now a millionaire.  Discuss the inheritance, her decisions, etc.

Final Discussion: Ch-Ch-Changes

How has Jane changed since the beginning of the novel?  Are there any traits from her childhood that have remained?

Has Rochester changed?

Final Discussion: That House is on Fire

What did you make of that?  And the injuries that followed?  Symbolic?

Final Discussion: Seeing Double

Bronte uses quite a few doubles within the text to serve as foils/comparisons.  Discuss any of these.

There are so many that you should probably discuss one at a time, replaying to the original thread about that double before you move on to another one.

Final Discussion: Happily Ever After…

So our heroine gets everything she’s always wanted.  What did you think of the ending?

Final Discussion: Famous Last Words

What did you think of St. John having the final words of the novel?  Discuss this, and what he has to say.